
FACILITY : Nutrients



Nutrients Analysis Plateform

Scientific Manager :

Laure Mousseau

Technical Manager :

Emilie Diamond Riquier

Staff :

Maïa Durozier | Christophe Migon | Laurent Coppola
Marine nutrients, such as nitrates, nitrites, phosphates and silicates are measured at the IMEV SelsNut plateform by colorimetric method with the SEAL AA3 continuous flow autoanalyser.
The Nutrients Analysis Plateform is managed by the Institut de la Mer de Villefranche Observation department.This plateform is equipped with a SEAL AA3 continuous flow autoanalyser since 2009 for the measurments of the fourth main marine nutrients (nitrates, nitrites, phosphates and silicates). The analysis are based on AMINOT and KEROUEL methods (Aminot A., Kérouel R., 2004. Hydrologie des écosystèmes marins. Paramètres et analyses. Ed. Ifremer, 336p).The analysis quality (blank and standard measurments), the protocols reliability (intercalibration exercises, OSIL standards) and the AA3 technical maintenance are guaranteed.The PI has to provide a technical operator to analyse the samples of the project (training course in option).