Scientific project


Système Immergé, automatique de suivi continu et de QUantification du niveau de tOxicité du stock de Micro-algues benthique Ostreopsis en meR

Principal Investigator(s) :

Thomas Alava

Local Coordinator(s) :

Rodolphe Lemée
Eva Ternon

Team(s) involved :


Members :

Amélie Talec | Marc Boutoute
The objective of SIQUOMOR is to conceive, build and test at sea an autonomous biological analysis system that will be able to (i) sample daily benthic microalgae, (ii) lyse collected cells and (iii) run a set of biological tests.
SIQUOMOR will establish a proof of concept of an immersed biological system by building on state-of-the-art sampling techniques in oceanography and chemical ecology. 1-We will combine existing knowledge in oceanography and chemical ecology and adapt and automate existing state-of-the-art Ostreopsis collection techniques. 2-We will ensure long term (>1 week) stability of the immersed system by mounting our Ostreopsis collection tray onto a powerful piezoelectric MEMS based biofouling prevention platform. 3- We will add to the collection tray a cell lysis chamber to concentrate and lyse microalgal cells. 4- The cell lysis chamber will be equipped with a commercial-grade biological sensor unit that will operate 16 highly-sensitive biosensors, each functionalized using different aptamers against palytoxin (and derivatives) and other specific cellular compounds allowing to distinguish between Ostreopis cf. siamensis and Ostreopsis cf. ovata, only the latter being toxic to humans.