Scientific project


Augmented Observatories of the National Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC-France)

Principal Investigator(s) :

Lionel Guidi

Local Coordinator(s) :

Lionel Guidi

Team(s) involved :


Members :

Building augmented observatories to Integrate physico-chemical, imaging and genomic data to understand marine ecosystems responses under anthropogenic and natural environmental changes.
The AO-EMRBC project, is supported by 3 partner institutions: SU, CNRS and CEA. It coordinates the involvement of the 3 national Research Infrastructures : EMBRC-France, IFB (Institut Français de BioInformatique) and France Génomique, as well as those of the FR-GOSEE and the Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers des Stations Marines (OSU STAMAR). Its ambition is to build the first operational augmented marine observatory in Europe, by developing augmented observatories at 3 strategic locations along the French coast: the marine stations of Villefranche-sur-Mer (IMEV) and Banyuls-sur-Mer (OOB) on the Mediterranean Sea, and Roscoff (SBR) on the English Channel. It will combine robust genomics and quantitative imaging protocols with sample and data archives to reconcile genomics data and long-term observation. It will integrate physico-chemical, biodiversity and genomic data to understand marine ecosystems responses under anthropogenic and natural environmental changes.